Gruppe von sieben Menschen in formeller Kleidung vor einer weissen Wand.


For more than 110 years, SV has stood for responsible entrepreneurship. We set ourselves high standards when it comes to corporate governance. The goal is to secure the long-term value and success of the company in the interests of customers, employees, suppliers and partners. Find out more about our organisation and our Code of Conduct. 


SV focuses on effective risk management and compliance with a clear organisational structure, allocation of responsibilities and transparent processes.

Gruppe von Geschäftsleuten in formeller Kleidung.
© SV Group
SV Group Board of Directors
From left to right: Anne Cheseaux, Pierre-Alain Graf, Ingeborg Gasser-Kriss, Jörg Zulauf, Patrick Camele, Karin Lenzlinger Diedenhofen, Michael Mueller

Board of Directors

There are seven members in the Board of Directors who act independently in accordance with the Swiss Code of Best Practice for Corporate Governance.  

As part of the SV Group’s corporate governance structure, there are two committees of the Board of Directors in the areas of Risk, Audit & Compliance and Human Resources.


The members of the SV Group’s Executive Board are formally appointed by the Board of Directors. Under the direction of the CEO, they are responsible for the management and results of the company. They make important decisions as a team.

Sieben Männer in Anzügen stehen nebeneinander vor hellem Hintergrund.
© SV Group
SV Group Executive Board
From left to right: Dirk Rosenberg, Claudio Lermer, Markus Binkert, Daniel Meier, Marco Meier, Marcel Meier
Zwei Personen unterhalten sich auf Sofas in einem Büro mit Pflanzen.
© SV Group


Almost 100 years ago, the “Swiss Association of Soldiers’ Welfare” (Schweizer Verband Soldatenwohl) began a unique social and entrepreneurial commitment. This led to the creation of SV Group AG in 1999, a market-focused company, and the perfectly positioned SV Foundation. This charitable foundation is the majority shareholder of the SV Group and uses its funds to support projects in the area of healthy eating and public welfare. Find out more about the shareholders and SV Foundation.

Our corporate responsibility

The SV Group and its Group companies are committed to sustainability and ethical behavior. Our corporate responsibility includes respect for human rights, environmental responsibility and business integrity. Our corporate philosophy is based on integrity and compliance. We do not tolerate any form of corruption, bribery or price fixing and reject any form of discrimination.


Every year, we provide an overview of our sustainability developments and show how we are achieving our goals.

Nachhaltigkeit Banner Blumenwiese

Sustainability progress report

We report each year on our progress in the area of sustainability. 

Facts & figures

How many employees work at the SV Group? How many menus are served each year?

Verschiedene Gerichte aus der Levantischen Küche auf Tellern und in Schälchen bunt und schön angerichtet.