Hand hält einen roten Paragraphen vor der Sonne.

Code of Conduct

We set high standards for our corporate governance in order to secure the long-term value and success of the company for all stakeholders. Ensuring compliance with legal requirements, our SV employees’ code of conduct and our supplier code of conduct is the SV Group’s top priority. Our corporate philosophy is based on integrity and compliance. We do not tolerate any form of corruption, bribery or price fixing and reject any form of discrimination. 

Integrity and compliance with legal regulations

Our Code of Conduct

At SV Group AG and at all group companies belonging to SV Group AG (hereinafter referred to as the “SV Group” or “we”), we embody our values (“cordial – proactive – competent – responsible”) in our daily dealings with employees, guests, customers, suppliers, authorities, our partners and the general public. The core value “responsible” is informed, among other things, by the fact that the SV Group is aware of its social responsibility and sets correspondingly high standards for ethical conduct. This includes in particular the fact that the SV Group maintains relationships built on trust, transparency, reliability and honesty. This applies both within and outside of the SV Group.

Human Rights

We are unreservedly committed to respecting human rights in all our activities. We follow internationally recognized principles to do so. In particular, we reject all forms of exploitation, humiliation, repression, modern slavery, forced labor and child labor in the strongest possible terms. We expect the same from our business partners without condition.

Compliance with Laws and Guidelines

The SV Group consistently complies with applicable international and national laws and regulations, as well as internal rules, directives and policies. We see compliance as a foundation of the long-term success and sustainability of our organization. The management team, executives and employees ensure that these are adhered to.

Working Environment

We are committed to providing a working environment that is free from any conduct that infringes the personal integrity of others. This includes, for example, discrimination, bullying, harassment and abuse. We do not tolerate discrimination without objective reason on the grounds of sex, gender identity, age, ethnicity, origin, religion, world view, disability or sexual orientation. This applies throughout the entire employment relationship, including the application process, and both in the direct working environment and in work-related activities, such as company events or training courses. 


We reject any form of bribery and corrupt and unethical actions. Offering, promising, paying, approving or accepting improper advantages or bribes is prohibited.

In particular, we do not grant undue advantages to business partners for the purpose of securing an order or to public officials for the purpose of performing or refraining from performing an official act or simply to cultivate relationships. We also do not accept such undue advantages for ourselves. And we do not use third parties to carry out such corrupt practices.

Safeguarding Assets

We are aware of our duties of care and loyalty towards the SV Group. We protect the SV Group's and its clients' ownership of work equipment and use the equipment exclusively for business purposes. In this regard, we treat the work equipment and the provided infrastructure properly and with care. In particular, we do not tolerate theft, fraud, deliberate damage or misuse of work equipment for private or personal purposes. 


The SV Group defines sustainability as an economic, social and ecological responsibility. We comply with the relevant environmental regulations and legislation. We treat resources responsibly and carefully, avoid placing an excessive burden on the climate and environment, and promote good working conditions for our employees and in our supply chain. We expect the same from our business partners too. We want to help build a sustainable future through a targeted sustainability strategy, collaboration with strong partner organizations and certifications. In the interest of transparency, we publish the details in our annual progress report on our website.

Competition Law

We are committed to a free market and fair competition and comply with the relevant competition and antitrust laws. The SV Group does not tolerate agreements or concerted practices with other companies if they have the purpose or effect of unduly restricting competition. In particular, we strongly reject anti-competitive arrangements relating to prices, quantities, markets, territories or customers.

Data Protection, Cyber Resilience and Confidentiality

We respect the privacy of our colleagues, guests and business partners. We handle personal data sparingly and only process it where necessary for the purposes we are pursuing. In doing so, we respect the principles of personal data processing. We handle such data carefully and protect it by taking appropriate security measures. We protect confidential information to which we gain access in connection with our business activities. This applies to information belonging to the SV Group as well as to information belonging to our business partners. Moreover, we do not grant access to this information to unauthorized individuals, internally or externally, and do not misuse it for the personal or unwarranted advantages of third parties. We follow cyber resilience guidelines designed to minimize risk and provide the highest level of protection for our information, systems and data. To the privacy policy

Enforcement of Reports

The SV Group assumes that all of its employees will behave correctly and with integrity and lives out a cooperative relationship based on trust and appreciation. However, we are aware that, in individual cases, violations of legal provisions and/or our internal rules, instructions and policies may still take place. Employees who identify unlawful or unethical actions, risks or violations should inform their direct superior or their next most immediate superior. They can also file a report with the Legal & Compliance department. If this is not desired or possible, the SV Group has set up the Speak Up Line, a digital reporting point for complaints and tip-offs. Reports can be filed with the Speak Up Line in four different languages on a 24/7 basis – including anonymously. To the Speak Up Line