Drei Restaurantmitarbeiter lächelnd vor einer Küche.

Why companies rely on an SV Restaurant

Our customers rely on our solutions for their staff restaurants for a variety of reasons. In our restaurants, we focus on variety, a wide selection and a climate-friendly and balanced menu. We bring people together and create space for encounters in a warm atmosphere. Individual advice ensures that space is used optimally, as our professionals have years of experience in planning staff restaurants.

Frau sitzt in einem gemütlichen Cafe und geniesst ihr Mittagessen.

Space efficiency: individual advice for optimal use of space

Outside of opening hours, staff restaurants are often dead spaces these days. Based on a needs and location analysis, we develop tailor-made strategies on how you can use this space efficiently. For us, cost and space efficiency go hand in hand with the requirements that today's employees have of their workplace as a place to meet. Our creative design concepts create identification and loyalty to your company and your values.

Culinary variety and enjoyment

Our food should taste good! But food today has to be able to do more: It should be healthy, resource-friendly, good for the environment and varied. Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, pulses, good fats and the occasional piece of meat or fish, as well as eggs and dairy products - that's the ideal diet. When planning menus in our restaurants, we therefore place a special focus on culinary variety.

essen, gericht, risotto, kulinarik
Eine ausgewogene und vielfältige Salatschüssel mit Avocado, Nüsslisalat, Quinoa und roten Bohnen.

Sustainable for the environment and health

We are constantly improving our environmental footprint along our entire value chain. Our goal: We bring sustainability directly to our guests' plates! We are committed to a varied and enjoyable diet - in line with the principle of the Planetary Health Diet, a scientific approach that aims to harmonize the environment and health.

Bringing people together

Hybrid working has become established. At the same time, it has clearly demonstrated the limits of working from home as a permanent state. Employees often cite the lack of personal contact as the biggest disadvantage of working from home. Social interaction in the workplace has therefore become more important, which is why it is now even more important to create attractive meeting zones on site. We are passionate hosts and therefore create a warm atmosphere in which everyone feels welcome.

Gäste sitzen in einem gemütlichen und gut besuchten Mitarbeiterrestaurant ihres Unternehmens und geniessen ihr Mittagessen.
Mitarbeiter in der Küche wäscht seine Hände nach den SV Hygienevorschriften.

Professionalism, experience, quality awareness

Our businesses are run by experienced professionals. We ensure that our high standards of quality and performance are implemented to a uniform standard everywhere through regular further training in areas such as cuisine, operational and staff management, hospitality, quality assurance and hygiene. Our employees are passionate about their work and receive regular training in hospitality and hygiene.

Responsible employer

We are an inclusive organization that unites diverse talents. Our values form the basis for a shared hospitality culture. With over 100 apprentices in various professions, we are the largest training provider in the industry.

Portrait einer Mitarbeiterin der SV Group lacht in die Kamera.