Lächelnder Rezeptionist am Empfangstresen eines modernen Hotels.

Jobs and careers at SV Hotel

Welcome to SV! We offer more than just a job – we offer you the opportunity to realise your career dreams and achieve success. Be part of our success story and see for yourself.

Hotelrezeption mit Personal und Gästen beim Einchecken.
© SV Group

Vacancies and benefits

If you are looking for an employer who can help you reach your full potential and provide you with the tools and resources you need to succeed, then SV is the right place for you. 

Zwei Personen führen ein Gespräch sitzend an einem Tisch in einem modernen Büro.

L-GAV: attractive working conditions

Our employees in Swiss hotels are subject to the Swiss Collective Labour Agreement (L-GAV) for the hospitality industry. 

In many areas, however, we offer them far better benefits – such as our supplementary employee pension scheme or paid paternity leave. Find out more about this in our benefits section.