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Healthy and climate-friendly nutrition

An unbalanced diet with excessive consumption of animal products contributes significantly to CO2 emissions and is suspected of increasing the risk of certain diseases. The greatest leverage for a diet that is healthy for people and the planet therefore lies for us as a catering company in the focus of our offer. We are committed to a varied and enjoyable diet - in line with the principle of the Planetary Health Diet.

All foods are permitted in the Planetary Health Diet, but it is the right balance between the menu components that is important. A healthy diet that is good for the planet is characterized above all by a high proportion of plant-based components such as vegetables and pulses. We are therefore constantly expanding our range of creative, vegetarian and vegan dishes.

Porträt von Claudio Schmitz im Stehen ohne Hintergrund mit Anzug und leicht schräger Position
With delicious and creative recipes, we make it easy for our guests to choose sustainable and healthy menus.

Claudio Schmitz

Director Culinary Excellence

Teller mit Curry, Brokkoli und Reis auf grauem Untergrund.


Plant-based can, but does not necessarily have to be vegan. Rather, plant-based is a varied diet consisting mainly of plant-based products and small amounts of animal products. The fact that plant-based cuisine can be tasty, creative and varied is something our guests experience anew every day with our wide range of vegetarian and vegan dishes. And we will continue to increase the overall proportion of plant-based dishes in our restaurants in the future. To this end, we are expanding the cooking skills of our chefs through regular training courses at the Hiltl Academy in Zurich, working with innovative start-ups such as "planted." or support research projects such as the ZHAW's "Novanimal" project.

Our facts about plant-based

  • 50% of our weekly menus are vegetarian or vegan
  • By expanding our vegetarian offering, we were able to reduce CO2eq emissions per menu by 17% between 2013 and 2020 (Scope 3)
  • Our goal is to reduce emissions by a further 17% by the end of 2023 (compared to 2018)


Our food should taste good! But food today has to be able to do more: It should be healthy, resource-friendly, good for the environment and varied. Plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, pulses, good fats and the occasional piece of meat or fish, as well as eggs and dairy products - that's the ideal diet. When planning menus in our restaurants, we therefore place a special focus on culinary variety.

Our facts on diversity

  • Our restaurants can choose from over 15,000 items when placing their orders
  • The menus change daily and are individually tailored to the needs of the guests in each restaurant
Verschiedene bunte Gerichte auf einem Holztisch.
Gebackenes Wurzelgemüse in einer Auflaufform mit Holzlöffel.


Fruit and vegetables taste best when they are in season. In addition, buying seasonal products has a positive impact on the ecological balance sheet because they do not have to be transported by plane. Accordingly, the menus in our restaurants are always planned with the seasonal calendar in mind.

Our facts on seasonality

  • Only 0.2 percent of our ingredients come to us by air
  • Around a third of all tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and eggplants come from greenhouses that are heated with waste heat or geothermal energy. Since the introduction of these "climate vegetables" in 2013, we have saved around 1.3 million liters of heating oil
  • We do not serve strawberries or asparagus from overseas


A balanced diet contributes to well-being, strengthens health and promotes the performance of our guests. Our Center of Culinary Excellence at SV headquarters ensures that our chefs in the restaurants can always choose from over 3,000 new recipes for healthy, balanced dishes and also attend appropriate training courses.

Our facts on balance

  • We use high-quality oils for cooking (Swiss rapeseed oil or olive oil)
  • As part of the federal government's actionsanté initiative, we are committed to reducing sugar consumption. Between 2015 and 2017, we saved 11.5 million sugar cubes
  • With the actionsanté action pledge, we are the only food service company to have committed to further reducing the amount of sugar in our sugar sachets, homemade iced teas and muesli by 2023
  • We have developed our own "healthy classics" line of meat products, which contain up to 50% less fat than standard market products. We have achieved this by replacing some of the meat with vegetables and other vegetarian components
Koch in Restaurantküche wirft Gemüse in der Pfanne.