Nachhaltigkeit Banner Erde

A comprehensive approach to sustainable experiences

The SV Group has been committed to social welfare for more than 110 years. We see it as our responsibility to make an effective contribution to sustainable and healthy catering for the population and to improve the catering and hotel industries in the long term. To this end, we take a comprehensive approach and address the environmental and social challenges that arise from our activities.

Our mission statement for sustainability

The focus of our sustainability activities is based on our sustainability mission statement, which is intended to ensure a comprehensive focus on all relevant sustainability issues in the catering and hotel industry. The following principles guide how we implement our sustainability activities: a holistic approach, development in cooperation with partners and experts, and goals that are science-based, measurable and transparent. 

Unsere Wirkungsfelder

Different focus areas

Our sustainability mission statement serves as a guide for the SV Group as to which environmental and social areas we, as a restaurant and hotel company, want and need to make an effective contribution. The priorities and strategies for implementation differ depending on the business area. 

In catering, for example, we are primarily focusing on two things: firstly, how our range of products contributes to climate action, and secondly, how procuring sustainably produced food contributes toward a sustainable supply chain. In our hotel business, the focus is on the efficient use of resources in the planning and realization of our hotel projects as well as in day-to-day hotel management. 

In all business units, we are committed to providing an attractive and healthy working environment as well as training and development for our employees. 

Nachhaltigkeit Banner Baum

Our breakdown of topics

Sustainable food and production

Sustainable construction and management

Employees and social commitment

Nachhaltigkeit Gremien

Committees for greater sustainability 

To ensure that our sustainability activities continue to be effectively implemented throughout the entire company in the future, various committees within the SV Group are responsible for developing and implementing them.

  • The Executive Board of the SV Group has overall responsibility for the sustainability goals and strategy at the level of the company as a whole. 
  • The development of the sustainability strategy and objectives, as well as their implementation, is overseen by a steering committee, which includes representatives from all relevant service and business units of the SV Group. 
  • The Sustainability department provides specialist support and coordination of development and implementation, as well as sustainability controlling. 

Our contribution to the SDGs  

Our comprehensive activities contribute to all 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

SDG Liste: Beitrag der SV zu den SDGs
Swiss Triple Impact Leader

Member of the STI Directory

As part of the Swiss Triple Impact program (STI), we analyzed our commitment in 2022, agreed on targets and created an action plan to achieve them. This resulted in us being included in the STI Directory.