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Climate protection

Climate change is one of the greatest global challenges we face as a society. The SV Group has been committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in its own activities and beyond for many years. To achieve this, we take a number of steps.


Climate strategy

Annual carbon footprint

Reduction targets

Roadmap with reduction measures

CO2 Bilanz

1. Greenhouse gas footprint

To make an effective contribution to reducing greenhouse gases (GHG), it is crucial to know the amount of greenhouse gas we emit. To this end, we prepare an annual greenhouse gas footprint. This assessment helps us to identify where we have the greatest reduction potential and to measure whether we are making progress in reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. 

We calculate our greenhouse gas footprint based on an internationally recognized standard, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. 

For this purpose, greenhouse gas emissions are divided into three categories or “scopes”:

  • (1) Direct emissions resulting, for example, from the combustion of fuels in our company vehicles (= Scope 1)
  • (2) Indirect emissions caused by our energy consumption (= Scope 2) 
  • (3) Indirect emissions in the upstream and downstream supply chain, such as emissions from the production and transport of food 

Around 96% of the SV Group’s total greenhouse gas emissions can be assigned to Scope 3. We have been recording these CO2 emissions annually since 2012, and have been calculating our carbon footprint with the support of myclimate since 2022. The annual update of our greenhouse gas footprint can be found in our progress report.

2. Reduction targets

To limit global warming to 1.5°C by 2050, global emissions must be reduced to net zero by 2050. We set ourselves science-based reduction targets in order to determine what contribution we need to make toward achieving this global target. To this end, we have joined the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and have submitted our objective for validation. 

myclimate helps us to set our SBTi-compliant targets, which will be published here soon. But one objective is already clear: net zero by 2045. To do this, we need to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by about 75%. All other emissions must be removed from the atmosphere by means of additional solutions.

Saisonal, frische Gemüse wie Kohl, Karotten und Kartoffeln auf Holzuntergrund.
Verschiedene bunte Gerichte auf einem Holztisch.

3. Reduction measures

Probably the most important component of our climate strategy is the reduction of our greenhouse gas emissions through effective measures. In our restaurants in Switzerland, such measures have already enabled us to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 25% between 2012 and 2023. We want to continue with this, and soon we will also start rolling these measures out in all the countries and business areas in which we operate. 

We group our measures into four thematic groups: climate-friendly food; resource-efficient buildings, equipment and facility management; climate-friendly transport; and investment in effective climate-action projects.

How we’re taking climate action

Climate-friendly food

Around a third of all global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the production of food. These emissions can be reduced above all by a varied and balanced diet that is predominantly plant-based. To achieve this, we predominantly rely on an attractive plant-based menu and more transparency regarding the environmental impact of our menus. 

To promote climate-friendly products and services, we follow the recommendations of the Planetary Health Diet. This scientific concept includes a guideline for a diet that is healthy both for the planet and for people. In addition to climate change, other environmental problems arising from food production are also considered. Scientific recommendations for a healthy diet are also taken into account. So, it’s win-win: good for you, good for the planet.

Teller mit Curry, Brokkoli und Reis auf grauem Untergrund.
Stay Kooook Bern Gemeinschaftsküche mit langem Tisch 8 Stühlen und Küche im Hintergrund.

Resource-efficient buildings, equipment and facility management

In our hotels in particular, we would like to focus more on the sustainability of buildings in future. On the one hand, construction activities make a significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions in the hotel industry. These emissions can be reduced and resources can be saved by choosing sustainable construction projects or buildings that are energy-efficient or built according to the concept of circular construction. We can directly influence greenhouse gas emissions in our hotels and restaurants by using energy and other resources efficiently. With efficient equipment and efficient facility management, we reduce emissions and the consumption of resources.  

Climate-friendly transport

In order to reduce transport-related greenhouse gas emissions, we try, in close collaboration with our suppliers, to make the transport of food to our restaurants as efficient as possible. The fewer journeys, the fewer emissions. In the future, we will continue to work with our suppliers on climate-friendly logistics solutions. 

We are also committed to a climate-friendly fleet of company vehicles and support sustainable mobility for our employees.

Pistor Lieferant
Feld mit grünen Pflanzen bei Sonnenuntergang.

Investment in climate-action projects

We make a conscious effort to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions rather than offsetting them. However, there will always be greenhouse gas emissions remaining in our supply chain that cannot be reduced further. Our sustainability roadmap therefore envisages that we will work on projects in the future to remove the remaining emissions from the atmosphere.

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