Personen sitzen an einem Tisch bei einem Meeting und haben ihre Laptops geöffnet.

The SV Group organization

Get to know the Board of Directors and Executive Board of the SV Group. 

Gruppe von Geschäftsleuten in formeller Kleidung.

The Board of Directors

The overarching strategy is determined by the Board of Directors, which also acts as the company’s supreme supervisory body.

The Executive Board

There are six members in the SV Group’s Executive Board. They represent the three business units of Institutional Catering, Public Catering and Hotel, as well as the divisions of Human Resources, Finance and Development & Services Catering.

Sechs Männer in Business-Kleidung stehen nebeneinander.
New CEO as of November 1, 2024
Markus Binkert is to be the new CEO from November 1, 2024
Zwei Personen unterhalten sich auf Sofas in einem Büro mit Pflanzen.


A story of corporate responsibility unlike any other. Find out more about the SV Group’s public limited company, its supporting foundation and majority shareholder, the SV Foundation, and the Annual General Meeting.