Gruppe von Köchen und Servicepersonal, die in einer Restaurantküche kommunizieren.

Vacancies in Switzerland: Nice to see you!

Are you a passionate host, do you give your best every day for the well-being of the guests and is a good team particularly important to you? Then you've come to the right place. We offer you a social, supportive and challenging working environment in the hospitality industry. A culture characterized by trust, warmth and openness. SV Group - that's WE. We look forward to getting to know you.

Zwei Mitarbeitende in der Küche lächeln und bereiten Essen zu, Frau steht im Vordergrund und reicht einem Gast einen Teller mit Essen.

Recruitment agencies - 
become a partner

SV (Schweiz) AG values targeted cooperation with recruitment agencies. We are always interested in building new partnerships and working together to find qualified candidates for our vacancies.

Requirements and general conditions

We expect our partners to accept the General Terms and Conditions of SV (Schweiz) AG, to comply with the legal regulations for recruitment agencies and to have the necessary licenses for recruitment agencies. With the submission of candidate dossiers, the General Terms and Conditions for Recruitment Agencies of SV (Schweiz) AG are deemed to be accepted in full and apply to the resulting employment.

Application for recruitment agencies

Please send your request to the following e-mail address: After reviewing your request, we will contact you if necessary. Applications from recruitment agencies that reach us without consultation will be irrevocably deleted. Please be patient while we check your details.

Lächelnde Frau in Anzugjacke vor grauem Hintergrund.

Contact us

Do you have a general question about our vacancies in Switzerland? Our recruiting team will be happy to help you.

Nina Voss
Recruiter SV Schweiz
SV Group