Spaghetti mit Tomatensauce und Eco-Score-Bewertung.

ECO-SCORE: Partnership for an environmentally friendly choice at SV Restaurant

Transparency, awareness-raising and good partnerships are an important part of SV's sustainability strategy. With our latest partner Beelong and its ECO-SCORE® method, we support our guests in choosing the most environmentally friendly menu in our restaurants. ECO-SCORE® by Beelong evaluates food and dishes in terms of their environmental impact from production to the plate and communicates this simply and transparently.

ECO-SCORE® by Beelong

With the help of the ECO-SCORE® method, we accompany our guests on their way to eating as environmentally friendly as possible. All products used in our menus are rated and classified on a simple traffic light scale from A+ to E-. This results in an overall score for each menu, which we communicate transparently to our guests in the restaurant. The following assessment criteria are taken into account in the ECO-SCORE®.

ECO-SCORE® evaluation criteria

Calculation and scoring

ECO-SCORE® provides a life cycle analysis of each product from the field to the plate. The analysis is based on data from the World Food Database, ecoinvent and Agribalyse, as well as real data collected on food products (composition, production methods, distances traveled, etc.). Taking all these assessment criteria into account, a product can achieve a maximum total score of 100 points. This score is then translated into a traffic light scale from A+ to E-.

How are the points awarded?

When awarding points, a distinction is made between the five environmental criteria and the criteria for biodiversity and animal welfare.

Standardized calculation and weighting of the five environmental criteria:

  1. CO2 footprint (49%)
  2. Water footprint (20%)
  3. Land use (18%)
  4. Marine pollution (7%)
  5. Freshwater pollution (6%)

A product can achieve a maximum of 80 points. Additional bonus and penalty points for other criteria are added to the score:

  • Labels (up to +20 points)
  • Endangered species (up to -100 points)
  • Packaging (up to -10 points)
  • Production environmental policy (up to +10 points)
  • Company policy (up to +5 points)

Calculation example: Spaghetti Napoli

The evaluation of the ingredients used for Spaghetti Napoli results in an overall score of B+. At product level, the score is calculated per calorie, which is why in this example salt without calories receives a low score of E. This score is then displayed as a traffic light or individual letter on the restaurant menu.

The overall score of B+ for this menu is recommended for a sustainable diet. So you can choose the Spaghetti Napoli with a clear conscience.

Spaghetti mit Tomatensauce und Eco-Score-Tabelle.

How is the traffic light read?

Menus are rated on a scale from A+ to E-. The individual categories have the following meaning:

A+, A, A-

Menu with mostly environmentally friendly ingredients - to be preferred for an environmentally friendly diet.

B+, B, B-

Menu with environmentally friendly and less environmentally friendly ingredients - recommended for a sustainable diet.

C+, C, C-

Menu with moderately environmentally friendly ingredients - should not be chosen every day for a sustainable diet.

D+, D, D-

Menu with less environmentally friendly ingredients - should not be chosen too often for a sustainable diet.

E+, E, E-

Menu with a high environmental impact - should rarely be chosen for a sustainable diet. However, it does not have to be completely avoided and can still be chosen.

Gemüse-Schüssel mit Eco Score A+.",

ECO-SCORE® by Beelong

The ECO-SCORE® by Beelong provides simple information about the environmental impact of food, taking into account the latest scientific findings and the information available on the market.