Bild von einem Hühnerstall von oben mit grossen Fenstern. es liegt viel Stroh auf dem Boden und es hat Hühner.

For more animal welfare and less waste: Organic Bruderhahn products

From 2026, the brothers of the laying hens - the so-called brother chickens - are to be reared on organic farms and no longer killed immediately after hatching, as is customary in traditional rearing in Switzerland. A Bio Suisse project that fits in perfectly with the SV Group's comprehensive sustainability strategy. After all, animal welfare and reducing food waste are integral parts of this sustainability strategy. Together with Bianchi, the Swiss family business for fish and meat specialties, the SV Group already offers organic rooster products in selected restaurants.

Bild von einem Hühnerstall von oben mit grossen Fenstern. es liegt viel Stroh auf dem Boden und es hat Hühner.
Bruderhahn coop
The large conservatory is just one of the three areas of the Bruderhahn barn on Ueli Sturzenegger's farm.

Origin of the organic Bruderhahn

All the meat in Bruderhahn products comes from Swiss organic farms. For example, from Ueli Sturzenegger's organic farm in Grabs SG, where brother roosters are already reared according to exemplary standards.

"Bianchi's organic brother roosters benefit from plenty of exercise and the very highest standards of infrastructure, feed and, last but not least, care. They can choose to let off steam in the warm barn, in the conservatory or on the meadow in good weather. They are fed exclusively with organically grown grain or they snack on pasture grass outdoors," explains Ueli Sturzenegger.

However, rearing broiler chickens is expensive, as they grow comparatively slowly, require more feed and have a lower meat yield. For this reason, organic broiler products are more expensive than conventional chicken products.

Organic rooster products in SV restaurants

In order for the breeding of the brother roosters to be successful, the meat must also be consumed. In the SV restaurants, the aromatic organic meat with a bite is regularly offered in the form of burger patties and sliced meat. Further products are being developed in collaboration with Bianchi. For more animal welfare and less waste.

Foto von 2 sitzenden Männer auf einem Strohball in einem Hühnerstall. Im Bild sind auch noch ein paar Hühner
Cooperation with Bianchi
Nils Osborn (l.), Culinary Innovation Manager at SV Group, together with Urs Reist (r.), Member of the Management Board at Bianchi