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SV Group policy statement on respect for human rights and the environment

Policy statement  on respect for Human Rights and the environment

SV Group AG and all group companies belonging to SV Group AG (“SV Group” or “we”) take their social and environmental responsibility and exemplary role seriously, setting themselves correspondingly high standards for integrity and moral conduct. We are aware that our actions have far-reaching consequences – for people, society and the environment. We are therefore committed to respecting human rights and protecting the environment.

We expect all our employees, suppliers and business partners to abide by the law, embrace our defined corporate values and treat identified human rights and environmental risks with particular care.

Assuming social and environmental responsibility has always shaped the actions of the SV Group. To ensure the effective implementation of sustainability activities within our company and along the supply chain, we work with strategic partners such as WWF Schweiz, Schweizer Tierschutz STS and Fairtrade Max Havelaar-Stiftung in our home market of Switzerland. Collaborating with these cooperation partners shapes the sustainability activities throughout the SV Group, reinforcing our promise of a sustainable future. 

More information about our commitment to sustainability can be found on our country-specific websites and is published in our annual progress report.

Risk management
Our risk management system adopts a holistic approach, from the identification, through analysis and assessment, to the handling of risks. Risk analysis in our own business units, at direct suppliers and, as required, at indirect suppliers helps identify and assess human rights and environmental risks and violations. On this basis, systematic action can be taken to stop identified violations or mitigate their impact and minimize future risks. 

Risk analysis
We use self-assessment based on selected national and international sources, information and regulations to assess both abstract and specific risks in our own business units. 

We conduct an annual risk analysis for our direct suppliers. This is based on studies, independent risk analysis tools, media reports and discussions with experts. Our direct suppliers must also complete a questionnaire covering risks and specific breaches. For indirect suppliers, we produce a risk assessment based on critical raw materials and countries of origin, with the help of independent risk analysis tools. 

Our risk analysis has revealed minor risks for occupational safety and moderate risks related to the ban on the unequal treatment of employees and/or discrimination in the hospitality sector. 

Prevention measures
To avoid possible violations in these areas, we are addressing the identified risks with particular care. As regards occupational safety, any work-related accidents and illness-related downtime are recorded, with appropriate support provided for longer absences. We also implement suitable prevention measures.  To ensure equal pay for our employees regardless of gender and across the board, we regularly conduct salary analyses and have developed appropriate employment contracts. To minimize discrimination risks, we have not only fundamentally revised our internal guidelines for protecting our employees’ personal integrity, but also increased our in-house compliance training and comprehensive eLearning on this topic.

All SV Group employees are obliged to comply with our internal code of conduct that stipulates respect for human rights and a conscientious, careful approach to environmental matters. 

We select our suppliers and business partners according to strict standards and requirements. The majority have already agreed to sign our supplier code of conduct. This sets out our ethical, environmental and social standards in detail, along with an obligation and expectation that our suppliers and business partners will consistently adhere to these behavioral standards. We believe that implementation of the supplier code of conduct is a shared responsibility to ensure fair working conditions and sustainability along the supply chain.

Remedial measures
If we discover that a violation of human rights or environmental obligations has occurred or is about to occur in our own business units, we immediately take effective remedial measures to stop the violation.

With regard to our business partners, we initiate appropriate corrective actions in such cases. This includes the following steps: auditing the business partner, jointly developing a corrective action plan that must result in the violation being eliminated within a specified time frame, issuing the business partner with a warning, suspending the joint business relationship and ultimately terminating it as a last resort.

Complaints procedure
To ensure that reported legal or compliance breaches are handled with care, we have implemented a web-based whistleblower portal (“Speak up line”). The Speak up line is an anonymous reporting tool that is available in four languages and accessible all year round. Whistleblowers along our entire supply chain can report environmental and human rights violations and risks. Submitted reports are received and processed by a small group of explicitly authorized people. All reports are treated confidentially. Appropriate remedial measures are used to develop satisfactory solutions. A more detailed description of the complaints procedure can be viewed on our company website.

Continuous improvement
We take a dynamic approach to due diligence. By continuously reviewing and improving our processes, we fulfill our commitment to promote a social and sustainable future. 

Reporting and documentation
The measures we take to meet our due diligence obligations are regularly and carefully documented. We transparently publish our annual reports on this issue on our company website in accordance with the national statutory requirements in the respective countries. Depending on the national requirements, we provide the responsible authorities with the relevant report, such as the SV (Deutschland) GmbH report to the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA). 

If you have any questions or concerns regarding respect for human rights and the environment along our supply chain, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Human Rights Officer at SV Group AG, company lawyer
Corinna Steinacker
Erkrather Straße 230
40233 Düsseldorf

Phone: +49 217 32 07 72 01

Compliance Officer at SV Group AG
Armin Dugan
Wallisellenstrasse 57
8600 Dübendorf

Phone: +41 438 14 11 11